Project Description
City of Vincent
City of Vincent Strategic Community Plan
Main Services
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Strategic Communications Planning
- Stakeholder Management
Shape Urban recently undertook Imagine Vincent, the largest community engagement process in the history of the City of Vincent to inform a major review of their Strategic Community Plan. The end result was a Strategic Community Plan with supporting documents that demonstrate clearly the values of the community and can guide future projects, spending and planning in the City. The project stands apart from other SCP projects due to its exhaustive engagement process comprising:
- The compilation of an exhaustive stakeholder database, containing 750 contacts for community groups and organisations by the process’ end;
- A launch event at which the community formulated questions based on 7 themes to be used as prompts throughout the broader engagement process;
- 36 events and pop-ups with diverse community groups including school based workshops, aged care facilities and various culturally and linguistically diverse community meetings;
- 10 quick polls distributed through social media and the website; and
- A two-day Citizens Jury/Community Engagement Panel (the Panel), attended by 41 community members selected by stratified random sampling.
The project won the 2018 Australasian Award for Excellence in Community Planning at the International Association of Public Participation.